Friday, February 01, 2008

List of recently published papers on plant flow cytometry - December and January

This month exceptionally we will post the recently published papers of the last two months, December and January.

Knight CA, Beaulieu JM. Genome size scaling through phenotype space. Annals of Botany (online)

Genome size:

Leitch IJ, Hanson L, Lim KY, Kovarik A, Chase MW, Clarkson JJ, Leitch AR. The ups and downs of genome size evolution in polyploid species of Nicotiana (Solanaceae). Annals of Botany (online)

Smarda P, Bures P, Horová L, Foggi B, Rossi G. Genome size and GC content evolution of Festuca: ancestral expansion and subsequent reduction. Annals of Botany (2008) 101:421-433

Ploidy level:
Kubátová B, Trávnícek P, Bastlová D, Curn V, Jarolímová V, Suda J. DNA ploidy-level variation in native and invasive populations of Lythrum salicaria at a large geographical scale. Journal of Biogeography 35:167-176

Halverson K, Heard SB, Nason JD, Stireman JO, III. Origins, distribution, and local co-occurrence of polyploid cytotypes in Solidago altissima (Asteraceae). American Journal of Botany (2008) 95:50-58

Clarindo WR, de Carvalho CR, Araújo FS, Abreu IS, Otoni WC. Recovering polyploid papaya in vitro regenerants as screened by flow cytometry. Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture (2008) 92:207-214

Shi Y, Xu G, Warrington TB, Murdoch GK, Kazala EC, Snyder CL, Weselake RJ. Microspore-derived cell suspension cultures of oilseed rape as a system for studying gene expression. Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture (2008) 92:131-139

Nimura M, Kato J, Mii M, Ohishi K. Cross-compatibility and the polyploidy of progenies in reciprocal backcrosses between diploid carnation (Dianthus caryophyllus L.) and its amphidiploid with Dianthus japonicus Thunb. Scientia Horticulturae (2008) 115:183-189

Technical article - cytosolic compounds:
Bennett M, Price HJ, Johnston JS. Anthocyanin inhibits propidium iodide DNA Fluorescence in Euphorbia pulcherrima: implications for genome size variation and flow cytometry. Annals of Botany (online)

If you fell that there are some papers missing (e.g., your papers), please send an e-mail to or leave a comment on this post.

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