Monday, September 21, 2009

The comeback

Dear friends and colleagues,

I am really sorry for my silence. The blog has not been updated for a long time (December 2008), and this is mainly due to my lack of time justified by my new position - since February 2009 I've returned to my country (Portugal), as an Assistant Professor in the Department of Life Sciences (former Department of Botany) of the University of Coimbra, and together with the preparation and giving of classes, I've been very busy with project's submission in order to obtain some funds to establish a new lab on Plant Evolutionary Biology (especially, genome evolution). To those interested, my new webpage can be found in this link.

Also, I would like to take this opportunity to say that we are looking for dynamic and enthusiastic Master, PhD and Post-Doc researchers interested in joining our young team and continuing their studies in this promising area of research. Those interested should contact me at:

I promise you that I will try to find some time to continue this blog and to post some of its regular sections.


Anonymous said...

Just wanted to say that i'm going to follow this blog with interest. Plant flow cytometry is going to be a part of my research to get Master's degree so i'm hoping to find some useful information here.

João Loureiro said...

Hello Kristine,

I am glad to have at least one follower :). Which is the topic of your Master's?



Anonymous said...

And I'm glad i can make you happy :)
I'm working with triticale anther culture and going to determinate plant ploidity before and after chromosome doubling.
Last year one of Universities in my country get some money in projects to buy the flow cytometer, but nobody really knows how to work with it cause in Latvia it's something new. So it's qiute interesting now to collect the information.