Just one final remark: on the review there is an error on the link to the FLOWer database. The correct link is: http://flower.web.ua.pt/.
General blog on the application of flow cytometry to plant cells. An extension of the FLOWer database - a unique resource that lists, for the moment, publications on DNA flow cytometry and enables their quantitative evaluation.
For prosperity the picture of the organizing team of the plant sciences sections of the ISAC Congress.(from left to right: Jaroslav Dolezel, João Loureiro, David Galbraith, Jan Suda, Johann Greilhuber, Brian Husband and Paul Kron)
The Budapest Sportsarena, home of the ISAC Congress for 5 days:
The exhibit hall:
The main auditorium:
The day couldn't have started better with the interesting parallel session on the "Advances in Flow Cytometry Instrumentation I" where I would like to highlight the innovative approach directed to increase the measurement rates of current flow cytometers, laser rastering. The session was pretty full has it can be easily perceived from the picture.
Further highlights from Sunday include the impact that cytometry has been having in Marine Microbiology, as impressively presented by Ger van der Engh, and the High-Throughput microscopy analysis of the cytoskeleton, showed by Ronald Vale.
The commercial tutorial given by Tree Star, Inc. on the FlowJo software and on what advanced features will be present in the upcoming versions of the software was also quite interesting.
However, the cherry on top of the cake (I hope that this expression also makes some sense in English) was
Dear ISAC Congress Attendee:
This workshop is aimed not simply at scientists interested in employing flow and image cytometry for the manipulation of plant cells, tissues, organs, and organelles. It also will provide valuable information for Operators and Core Managers having no prior experience with plant samples, who increasingly will encounter plant scientists interested in using their technologies and instruments in their plant-based research.
Topics to be presented and discussed will include:
There will also be opportunities provided for questions, comments, etc., from the audience.
Short presentations on each topic will be given by:
Open Discussion will follow.
1. Edition - February 2007 149.- Euro / 235.- SFR 2007. XXIV, 455 Pages, Hardcover - Handbook/Reference Book - ISBN-10: 3-527-31487-3 ISBN-13: 978-3-527-31487-4 - Wiley-VCH, Weinheim